No local authority

Tác giả NetworkEngineer, T.M.Một 04, 2021, 08:58:29 SÁNG

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Mã nguồn [Chọn]
AutoSSL's configured provider is "Let's Encrypt™".
Cached Let's Encrypt DCV (Domain Control Validation) values: 0
Looking for potential NAT (Network Address Translation) problems ...
        This server does not use NAT.
Analyzing 1 user ...
        Analyzing "user"'s domains ...
                Analyzing "XXXX.XXX" (website) ...
                        TLS Status: Defective
                        Defect: NO_SSL: No SSL certificate is installed.
                Attempting to ensure the existence of necessary CAA records ...
                        No CAA records were created.
                Verifying 10 domains' management status ...
                Verifying "Let's Encrypt™"'s authorization on 10 domains via DNS CAA records ...
                        CA authorized: "XXXX.XXX"
                        CA authorized: "*.XXXX.XXX"
                        CA authorized: "ipv6.XXXX.XXX"
                        CA authorized: "cpanel.XXXX.XXX"
                        CA authorized: "www.XXXX.XXX"
                        "XXXX.XXX" is managed.
                        "www.XXXX.XXX" is managed.
                        "ipv6.XXXX.XXX" is managed.
                        "mail.XXXX.XXX" is managed.
                        "cpanel.XXXX.XXX" is managed.
                        "webdisk.XXXX.XXX" is managed.
                        "webmail.XXXX.XXX" is managed.
                        "cpcontacts.XXXX.XXX" is managed.
                        "cpcalendars.XXXX.XXX" is managed.
                        "*.XXXX.XXX" is managed.
                        All of this user's 10 domains are managed.
                        CA authorized: "cpcalendars.XXXX.XXX"
                        CA authorized: "mail.XXXX.XXX"
                        CA authorized: "webmail.XXXX.XXX"
                        CA authorized: "webdisk.XXXX.XXX"
                        CA authorized: "cpcontacts.XXXX.XXX"
                        "Let's Encrypt™" is authorized to issue certificates for 10 of this user's 10 domains.
                Performing HTTP DCV (Domain Control Validation) on 9 domains ...
                        Local HTTP DCV error (XXXX.XXX): The system failed to fetch the DCV (Domain Control Validation) file at "http://XXXX.XXX/.well-known/acme-challenge/SHDPQ6HZZCEK_DU_JPN760HWKO7B2G9_" because of an error: The system failed to send an HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) "GET" request to "http://XXXX.XXX/.well-known/acme-challenge/SHDPQ6HZZCEK_DU_JPN760HWKO7B2G9_" because of an error: Could not connect to 'XXXX.XXX:80': Connection refused.
                        Local HTTP DCV error (www.XXXX.XXX): The system failed to fetch the DCV (Domain Control Validation) file at "http://www.XXXX.XXX/.well-known/acme-challenge/0QUB_FMWHMAKR76FHRAMR0L7B9JA29PU" because of an error (cached): Could not connect to '2a01:7e00:0000:0000:f03c:92ff:fe28:e8c6:80': Connection refused.
                        Local HTTP DCV error (ipv6.XXXX.XXX): "ipv6.XXXX.XXX" does not resolve to any IP addresses on the internet.
                        Local HTTP DCV error (mail.XXXX.XXX): The system failed to fetch the DCV (Domain Control Validation) file at "http://mail.XXXX.XXX/.well-known/acme-challenge/HQBG3S6DNSN0IQ3HCLVX7-RRX62P6KM2" because of an error (cached): Could not connect to '2a01:7e00:0000:0000:f03c:92ff:fe28:e8c6:80': Connection refused.
                        Local HTTP DCV error (cpanel.XXXX.XXX): "cpanel.XXXX.XXX" does not resolve to any IP addresses on the internet.
                        Local HTTP DCV error (webdisk.XXXX.XXX): "webdisk.XXXX.XXX" does not resolve to any IP addresses on the internet.
                        Local HTTP DCV error (webmail.XXXX.XXX): "webmail.XXXX.XXX" does not resolve to any IP addresses on the internet.
                        Local HTTP DCV error (cpcontacts.XXXX.XXX): "cpcontacts.XXXX.XXX" does not resolve to any IP addresses on the internet.
                        Local HTTP DCV error (cpcalendars.XXXX.XXX): "cpcalendars.XXXX.XXX" does not resolve to any IP addresses on the internet.
                Verifying local authority for 10 domains ...
                        No local authority: "www.XXXX.XXX"
                        No local authority: "webdisk.XXXX.XXX"
                        No local authority: "mail.XXXX.XXX"
                        No local authority: "*.XXXX.XXX"
                        No local authority: "cpanel.XXXX.XXX"
                        No local authority: "webmail.XXXX.XXX"
                        No local authority: "XXXX.XXX"
                        No local authority: "ipv6.XXXX.XXX"
                        No local authority: "cpcalendars.XXXX.XXX"
                        No local authority: "cpcontacts.XXXX.XXX"
                No local DNS DCV is necessary.
Processing "user"'s local DCV results ...
        Analyzing "XXXX.XXX"'s DCV results ...
                Impediment: TOTAL_DCV_FAILURE: Every domain failed DCV.
        The system has completed "user"'s AutoSSL check.

The system finished checking 1 user.
Emptying Let's Encrypt's DCV (Domain Control Validation) cache ...

Có vẻ như có sự cố với DNS trên máy chủ cụ thể đó. Bạn có thể thử chạy lệnh sau:

Mã nguồn [Chọn]
$ /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/bin/perl -MCpanel::DnsRoots -MData::Dumper -e 'print Dumper(Cpanel::DnsRoots->new()->get_nameservers_for_domain(""));'

Chỉ cần thay thế "" bằng tên miền thực mà bạn đang muốn cài đặt SSL Let's Encrypt và xem liệu điều đó có trả về nameservers chính xác cho miền của bạn hay không.

Nếu chưa đúng thì đổi lại nameservers cho tên miền của bạn trong DNS Zone Manager và sau đó bạn thử cài lại SSL Let's Encrypt.